Adamu, Audu
Department of Geography, Teacher's College,
Unpublished Local Study
Long 11 25 E, Lat 6 40
12 Origin quarrel between Ndok and another village in
E Cameroon. Fight => Ndok driven out came to Kabri
where the only inhabitants were the very few Terriep
- still (a v. independent part of Kabri). First
setled at Chana drove Terriep (unprepared) off to
Kudil later came back and intermarried with Kabri.
Terriep lang. replaced by Ndok as spoken by the
Kabri. Mrrge w taken to H's compound singing and
dancing all night, eat cow next day. The H & W
stay in room for 1 week. When H leaves his F's
outside try and wrestle with him - to test his
strength. Inhabitants - Fulani Town Fulani , Kaka and
Kwabira. granary = ndique
24 Farming magic
24 Rites for Farming new land eating new crops and
harvest. New land - fmy head goes in night to the new
field buries medicine in some ridges that he makes -
prevent injuries to farmers and protect crops from
insects etc. Next day the entire family (no matter
how old/young) goes to the field each holding hoe -
each chops ground 1x. Neighbours may be invited for
beer to mark the occaison but not always.
25 New crops- first fruits tied at entrance to compd.
give some to every member of compd, for next 7 days
visitors can eat the new crop but cannot take any
away with them. First harvest basket thrown in river
or buried - not now done by many people. Coffee since
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