

In Bamunka, socio-political institutions that once had a largely symbolic value are being transformed to assume a more direct material significance and occasion a competitive display of wealth. A case in point is the growing interest in the acquisition of high status titles and the commutation from payments in kind to payments in cash. Thus rather than offering items for immediate consumption, they are adapting a customary system of redistribution to the requirements of commodity exchange. Irrespective of their social standing and the forces for change that continue to affect Bamunka, men in such different positions as husband, brother, member of traditional and modern 'big men' groups are able to and do control women's labour for their own changing social and material benefit. This is notwithstanding the fact that capitalist market principles have become a more or less permanent feature of the economy. Meanwhile a husband's control over his wives' sexuality and fertility serve in the reproduction of control over future bearers of human energy. In this way, women's subordination to men is expressed in gender divisions and patterns which are socially and historically determined and legitimized. This situation also enhances the latter's prestige and political power to the detriment of the former.


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